Clark Case Studies

A New Way to Recruit Top Talent

Foraco Campaign
Generates 1500+ Applications

Foraco Recruitment Campaign - Clark Case Studies

After trying the usual methods and job platforms Foraco, the world’s third largest drilling company, enlisted our help to recruit skilled team members for job sites across Canada. Here’s how we achieved their goals using groundbreaking recruitment tactics for the mining and exploration sector.


In 2021, Foraco faced significant challenges in recruiting for their drilling operations for many reasons, including perceptions of the working conditions in the industry and a large labour pool with a finite number of top-tier candidates. Another obstacle was reaching those experienced candidates who may not currently be looking for a position. Foraco could no longer count on posting job openings on the usual platforms in the hopes that the candidates would come knocking… we would have to go to them.


Interruption Marketing
through Social Media:

To address these challenges, we launched an interruptive Social Media Campaign. Instead of waiting for prospects to come to us, we proactively reached out to them on the platforms they inhabit, with a highly relevant message that would both dispel their concerns and position Foraco as a desirable employer in the sector.

The campaign featured a variety of ads that emphasized transparent scheduling, drivable workplaces, and a supportive company culture. This innovative use of social media allowed us to run ad creative near key drilling sites like Manitoba and British Columbia with specific messages to those sites, while also running a parallel national campaign. Additionally, because we monitored the campaigns closely we could observe what messages garnered the most results and divert the ad spend to those and away from less successful messages.


Foraco Recruitment Campaign Landing Page

Landing Pages and Candidate Management:

We created multiple landing pages based on geography where prospects could apply, upload their resume and also indicate their level of experience with a mandatory drop down. This gave Foraco a way to triage applicants, even without a resume. We also created a series of Google sheets connected to the landing pages so Foraco’s HR team could follow-up with applicants, filtering the list from hundreds of candidates per location to a handful of the most qualified prospects.

Foraco Recruitment Campaign Landing Page


Our campaign was a resounding success. Over 1,500 applicants applied across the 3 geographic segments, with 70 shortlisted for 30 positions. The landing page was instrumental in filtering applicants, helping Foraco find the best-suited candidates for each job site. The campaign not only met but exceeded its objectives, demonstrating the power of interruptive marketing for recruiting talent.

About Clark

Founded in 2004, Clark Communications is a dynamic group of marketing professionals with a killer blend of strategy and creativity. For over two decades we have helped top companies launch game-changing products, recruit global talent and utilize social media and digital platforms like no one else in the industry.

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