Faster Decisions for Staff & Clients

Benefits Application Manager

Developed to help streamline the application process and eligibility of clients you support who are requesting assistance for essential benefit items and services.

Benefits Graphics

An Improved Client Experience

Intuitive, Self-Serve Applications

The Benefits Application Manager allows social assistance and low-income clients to register from anywhere to submit, review and monitor their applications in a single, secure web portal.

Paired with automatic email notifications, clients are informed of application submissions, updates and eligibility decisions – making it faster, easier and more convenient for them to access their needed benefits.

Self-Serve Portal

A Streamlined Process

An intuitive tool that walks clients through the application process in a step-by-step approach, and even prompts clients to add multiple items to a single application – An efficient use of their time..

Indicators on clients’ dashboards also help inform them of application activity, including direct comments from staff about details related to their request for support.

Application Status & History

Client-Driven Applications

Convenient for Clients and Staff

Clients are able to track the status of their applications in real-time, apply for multiple benefits in a single application, and can even upload supporting documentation directly to their application.

Staff have immediate access to applications and documentation submitted by clients, rather than waiting days or weeks to obtain paper copies through postal services.

Client File Upload
Drag and Drop PDF
Application Success Modal

Trusted Across Ontario

Municipalities Making a Difference


Automatic Notifications

Work Smarter.
Not Harder.

Built directly into the tool, the Benefits Application Manager will automatically notify your clients of activity and updates to their application – When it’s being reviewed, if more information is needed, and even the moment a decision is made for their request.

Under Review - Alert
Item Service Status
Update Button
Information Missing (graphic element)
All the Features You Expect…

And Tools You Didn’t Know Existed


Role-based Dashboards

Automatic Status Emails

Application History

On-Demand Reports

Admin Tools

Advanced Search

System-Generated Letters


... and more!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Ready to see the Good stuff?

Let us show you around

A quick demo with our product specialists will help you know if the Clark Benefits Application Manager is a good fit for your organization. Learn more about all the features, tools and advantages of this system to help your team support clients in providing independence and stability!

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